Cured, no longer diabetic!

Watch yourself, plaidjack. Keith has been an excellent addition to Juvenation. Much more, so far, than the posts I've read by you. Keith has a unique case of type 1 where his beta cells were not completely destroyed and the remaining cells have taken over insulin production. Maybe he didn't explain that quite as well, but he's not a spewer of bull shit, and we aren't kicking him out. He struggled with diabetes highs and lows and injections like we all have. Despite the fact his pancreas has gone back to producing insulin, he is still one of us. Be nice or I'll cease to bite my tongue.

Autoimmune disorders can reverse themselves. My doctor had gillium bar (no idea how to spell it), an autoimmune disorder that attacks the nerves and left him temporarily paralyzed. He recovered from it and with that disease you either recover or are paralyzed forever. Even though with type 1 diabetes it's extremely rare to recover from it, it's not necessarily impossible. Keith proves that. The body is a mysterious thing.

Keith, I'm so happy to hear that you've improved health-wise, but what a bummer that you already have the tattoo!! You've been such a great addition to this community, and I wish you (and your envy-inducing working pancreas) all the best. ;)

life is an interesting thing, tahst all I have to say

The lesson in this is??? Never get a tattoo!

So if you were one of those rarity that got cured from Type 1, shouldn't you be all over the news specially throughout the whole diabetes sites or even in the news?

Do I sense a bit of jealous here?! isnt a CURE what we've ALL been waiting for?! WHAT IF THIS GUY has a cure IN HIS BODY and diabetics are giving him a hard time about it?!!? i mean REALLY YALL?!!? support the guy... maybe he's being tested or maybe his DNA was simply reversed naturally and NO ONE yet has an explanation for it!? WHO ARE WE TO BELITTLE SOMEONE WHO HAS GOTTEN HEALED from this condition?!! SERIOUSLY GUYS!?!? BE HAPPY FOR SOMEONE!!! THIS IS A GREAT THING!!! HOWEVER... a simple post on a forum doesnt prove anything... if something so radical HAS happened, then let's hear MORE details about it! :) Cheers!

Keith please hang around and keep us posted on what happens. Don't listen to all the negative people.

I hope that I didn't come as being negative or jealous.  I was just curious.  You know, he could be someone who they could test what happened why all of a sudden, he got cured.  If doctors are able to find out why, then maybe perhaps they can see if this could also be the case to us, you know?  

Whatever. Even by C's definition, Keith was never truly a T1 diabetic. He was misdiagnosed.  He's instilling false hope. It's shameful.

Spreading this kind of stuff around encourages T1 diabetics not to take care of themselves because they believe a cure is going to happen before any serious complications occur.

If Keith would have been more straight forward in his post, it wouldn't have been so bad but did he really have to say he was "Cured, no longer diabetic!!!" and then make it sound like he was some sort of miracle man?

He could have approached the subject of his misdiagnosis is a much more humble and understanding way. He choose not to. I'm sure Keith was excited but he took no one else's feelings but his own into consideration when making this post and most others. Like I said, it's shameful.

The psychological issues of accepting T1 diabetes are monumental. Keith is making a mockery of them. So if that's positive contribution, I'm confused.

It wasn't a misdx. I was GAD positive and C-Pep barely there. Now I am barely GAD positive and C-Pep normal??? As far as not taking care of themselves I never tell anyone that!!! I have been there bs control is so important!!! I still use insulin because it's MY choice for control!!! They have said I don't need it!! BS I feel I still do!!! As far as hope how about this. The US government wants to study my immune system!!  to see what happened. Also accepting it is most important I got a tattoo as part of mine. I am also the talk of the Hospital. LOL If you would like to see the Dr. who told me he is Dr. Firek google him head of Endo Loma Linda Veterans Hospital!!!


I am not going anywhere! I like these people!!! And I feel I have helped in some ways!!!

Don't go anywhere Keith.

I know of a young man who had diabetes, he was hospitalized, took insulin shots, the whole shebang, for two years...and then one day to his doctors surprise his tests came back that he was no longer diabetic. He was suffering from a form brought about by steroids used to help relieve migraines that he was having almost like gestational diabetes... now two years later he is once again T1and completely insulin dependent.  His doctors had told him after the first onset that he should expect to be T1 again sometime in his life, he was just hoping for a bit more time of "freedom".

The point I am trying to make is while there is NO CURE YET, some are lucky to get a reprieve from T1. Keith is one of the lucky ones!

wow is all I can say. I'm so happy for you, Keith, and I hope you stay diabetes-free!

My point still stands and I think anyone who REALLY has T1 would agree that, It's insensitive to everyone in the forum and everyone who has Type 1 Diabetes to start throwing around the term "cured!!!". That's what you claim Keith . . .

and now you claim you're still using insulin.

So which is it, are you "cured" or do you still need to take insulin or were you T1 diabetic in the first place or what?

I'm sure you have no idea but that doesn't stop you from making all sorts of claims on this forum. People come here for support, to share information and truth. The only truth in your posts, is that you are all about seeking attention.

You make a lot of claims and do never ending amounts of double talk, Keith. It's confusing at best and shameful and insulting at worst.

"I'm sorry all I heard was 'blah blah blah I'm a dirty tramp.'" ~Mr. Deeds

I think the way you're treating Keith is insulting... at best. A lot of type 1s going through extended honeymoon periods or type 1s diagnosed early (their BGs still in the upper 100s) take insulin to preserve the functioning of the pancreas.

Did it occur to you this could be what he's doing? His remaining beta cells took over the function of the dead beta cells, but he doesn't want to "wear out" the remaining beta cells either. Taking insulin via shots allows the pancreas to work a little less hard, thus preserving what's left.

I understand you're upset as you post these things, plaidjack. But, please, think before you go blasting after someone who has been quite an asset to this community. He has contributed a lot and has been a great supporter of Juvenation. He's helped a lot of people on here - myself included. I'm glad I can call him a friend, even if he may not be a friend with diabetes anymore. You don't have to be friends with him; you don't even have to like him. But there's no reason to be immature about and irrationally angry about the entire thing.

Just stop and think for a moment. That's all I'm asking.


In all honesty Hannah, it CAN happen... and there are studies in England with switching the DNA to make it happen. It's still in early phases... but if it REALLY happened to this guy, we dont really know. But to say that YOUR doctor said it's impossible kinda shows arrogance like he knows EVERYTHING when he's probably just some local doctor. That's kinda like saying a local Chevrolet car salesman knows EXACTLY how a car is built when he's never built ANY car in his life... he just sells them. YOU nor your doctor dont really have ANY proof that this guy is lying... and HE doesnt have ANY proof that he's legitimately HEALED from diabetes... so ALL in ALL... we just need to leave this forum topic alone because IF he is a FRAUD, all these comments are ONLY bringing him the attention he wants to laugh at you all getting mad and/or excited. IF he's legit, then we'll hear about it soon enough... but the bickering on Juvenation is just not worth it. ;)

Cheers and Happy New Year!

Of course this is a somewhat incredible story, but I'm glad Keith's endo is looking into it further. Spontaneous remissions of diseases DO happen, or there wouldn't be the "miracles" at the Shrine of Lourdes! :-) I'm not betting my money on a spontaneous remission for myself, though!

I also wanted to mention that we really don't know exactly what happened to Keith in the first place -- he did go into DKA, and turned up GAD positive, but was there some unusual reason why? We also don't know why he's experiencing what's happening now. The issue that's important is NOT whether he was a "true T1" or not -- the real issue is why, biochemically, did he go through this experience. Maybe he's a mutant zebra for all I know! If he's got medical scientists studying him, that's a good thing -- a charlatan or faker would stay as far away from the medicos as possible. So he's being upfront and honest about what has happened to him -- that's the best he can do, and the scientists can take care of the rest. As far as the rest of us, he's not waving any red flags in our faces, and he's not advocating any miracle treatments, so why rag on HIM? He's just reporting his own experience, and I'm sure he'd be the first to say this does not apply to ANYONE else.