Children most likely to get type 1 in the winter

Hi bunucky-jonas,even though we don't have all the answers yet-isn't it good to know that technology is moving foward fast and bringing good things in the care of type 1--and wonderful people are working hard everyday towards a cure !

I think this is the actual article discussed...Title: Seasonal variation of diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes mellitus in children worldwide
Author(s): Moltchanova EV, Schreier N, Lammi N, et al.
Source: DIABETIC MEDICINE   Volume: 26   Issue: 7   Pages: 673-678   Published: JUL 2009

From just reading the abstract the newsblurb sounds a little off..."winter" was not defined appropriately.  December to March is what I think the definition of winter includes, while the article states the peaks occurred from October to January.  The correlation concerning time of the year was no longer significant after including latitude, suggesting that distance from the equator may be more important for predicting incidence of diabetes than season.  I didn't finish the article (due to the differences noted above) but would be interested in hearing anyone's opinion.

I was diagnosed in late January of '04...only two weeks away from my 16th birthday... needless to say I wasn't allowed to drive much those first 8 months!

I was diagnosed in june

My daughter was diagnosed in Feb. but was already ill in Jan.  My son is at home sick with the flu--I pray he does not "come down" with Type I.  It is always a worry.

I was diganosed in January. Had been sick for the previous month.