
Hamilton???  You're just around the corner;  I'm in Kitchener!

Are you planning on attending the George Canyon concert in Hamilton on July 2nd?  I can't say I'm really a fan of his - or country music at all for that matter - but hey, it's free and it's being put on by Animas specifically for "us"!

Woo Free George Canyon concert hehe

I'm going in Calgary June 27th, I'll let you know how it is!


Oh cool! Ya, let me know! Sounds neat :)


I'm so happy that I found the Canadians!!

Windsor Ontario

[quote user="Brianne"]

Oh cool! Ya, let me know! Sounds neat :)


Go to to get all the info...

I'm from Kitchener, Ontario :)

Calgary, Alberta!

Hi all! I live northwest of Edmonton, Alberta, in the Pickardville area. My 13 yr. old son was diagnosed with Type 1 five yrs. ago and I just joined Juvenation recently... very cool site! We live on a cow-calf farm and I'm a freelance writer, mainly for My husband and I have two other children - a daughter, 15 and a another son, 16. We have particpated in our local Telus Walk to Cure Diabetes for the past 2 years, and we plan to attend the George Canyon concert near Edmonton on June 27. Let me know if you'll be there, too! Also, I am tickled to be the recent winner of the Track3 contest, so I'll let you all know how we like it once it arrives and we figure out how to use it... :)


OK now I guess I will have to repersent the East Coasters of Cananda!!!

As I'm from Halifax Nova Scotia and that's where it's at!!!

I know we might not be as big as T.O or Vancouver or Victoria, but it's the best here

You have all the city that you can handle and over the horzion you have all the nature you can handle.

Sorry had to put that in there, I guess it's cause I'm proud of being a "bluenoser".



Burnaby BC

I am in Toronto

Yay!  Another Canadian!  Welcome to Juvenation.  There seem to be a few of us in the Central-Southwest area of Ontario.  What area of T.O. are you in?

West of Toronto i.e. Mississauga.

Hey Sauga city! I used to live in Meadowvale for fifteen years before I moved out west to Vancouver Island.

cool, I live in Burnaby, I have no friends with diabetes, and last I heard theres onyl 1 or 2 other type 1 diabetics in burnaby. im hoping this is a false fact, btw add me if you live in vacouver or new west, prefferably a side of these that is close to burnaby :D

btw which hospital do u guys go too? maybe we cans et up an appointment same day :P



im from kelowna!!

I just want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Canadian Juvenators!!!  Enjoy the long weekend!  =)

Great to live here,

BC gal currently living in Calgary :)

Logged Off... There are a tonne of Type 1s in the Van area... Dr. Dan and Shar at Children's would be a great resource. Also, the CDA runs a summer camp on the Sunshine Coast that lots of youth go to!

hi! I live in toronto, ontario