Burned out!

I have had diabetes for 22 years… I’m so thankful I’ve had absolutely no complications but I have to admit I do very little to manage my diabetes. Can someone please recommend a group or seminar, anything to help me get back on track with this? I feel like I need to relearn how to manage my diabetes… I’ve gone so long doing the bare minimum. My doctor isn’t much help… Thanks!

I have been type 1 for 70 years, and I do not have any serious complications. There are times that I find my management routine annoying, and time consuming, but I have always stuck to the program and I have never ignored my diabetes. I belong to a Joslin Medalist group. Every member has been type 1 for at least 50 years. I have compared my routine and health with many other members of that group. Some of them admit that they were careless at times in the past, and ignored there diabetes too often. Those individuals now have neuropathy or some retinopathy problems in their eyes. Some have had laser treatments with their eyes. A few of them have had dialysis treatment for kidney problems. These problems are much less likely to occur if you take very good care of yourself, every day. I hope your burnout is very temporary, and you will do everything possible to avoid problems in thev future. that has been my attitude for 70 years, and I am a healthy diabetic.

Hi! I have had Type 1 for 16 years, and I experienced some burnout myself a while ago. Because of my personal experience and struggle to find the support I was looking for, I went to Duke for my training to become an Integrative Health Coach for people like me and you. If you are seeking comprehensive support and accountability, feel free to send me an email at ginkgoihc@gmail.com. I’m not sure where you are located, but I would be happy to help find or start a MeetUp or something too. We all need hands to hold from time to time - especially those who really “get” it. Hang in there! Best wishes!

I have had diabetes for nearly 49 years. I have been pretty much free of complications except that I have started noticing what may be neuropathy in my feet. So, I feel very fortunate. The only thing I would suggest to you is to make sure you have the right doctor–an endocrinologist who is up to date on the latest and greatest for Type I diabetes. My endo is always a wealth of information and also has a diabetes educator on staff who has been Type I for more than 50 years. That has been a blessing, too. I don’t know where you live, but I hope you can search for a better doctor in your area. It would be well worth the search. If you have any other questions, please feel free to write me at blynn78248@gmail.com. Take care. Lynn

I just made an appointment with a new endocrinologist today. He seems to be much more up to date and have more resources than my current endo. When I was first diagnosed I did great managing my diabetes then when I got the insulin pump at 15 I got really lazy… Ugh! I cant even put into words how much it overwhelms me to think about managing my diabetes correctly. Hopefully, I’ve taken the right step in finding a new doctor. Thanks for replying and the support.

Hey, I’m sorry you’re going through burnout right now. Having had diabetes for nearly 27 years, I understand completely. Deciding to take care of yourself again is a touch decision, and I am so happy for you that you have decided to take initiative in your management --you should be proud of yourself.

In my experience, a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) is often the best resource for management training. A CDE can be anyone with a degree in the medical field and will likely be a Registered Dietitian or a Registered Nurse who works at your endo’s office. My advice is to see if you can get in to see the CDE immediately following your appointment with your new endo (and mention this to him), that way you can come up with a management plan as a team. Best of luck, Kdee2585, and remember to just take it one day at a time. :slight_smile:

hi @Kdee2585, hope your endo visit went well. I find the endos are overworked and have too many patients to do a good job at the education and coping part. After 20 something years I went back to the doctor’s office. I was petrified that it was going to be “too late”, but what I have found is that it’s never too late to do something positive for yourself. I have a long term history with chronic burnout and untreated depression.

I also found that even though I was no newbie, a couple of appointments with a CDE (certified diabetes educator) helped me put old things into new perspectives. instead of “what should I do” I went in with a “this is what I do, lets see how to manage the diabetes part”. She made management fit my life and not the other way around.

good luck we are all rooting for you.