
I had written something a long time ago about beginnings and this site and this group seemed an appropriate spot to pin it up...  I am, at best, a fair writer - it'd be nice to see what some of the rest of you have come up with...

Fragile Sparrow

Oh Fragile Sparrow

How magnificent

How wondrous

As you break free

from your shell

Slowly chipping away

at the walls

which held you

so securely

and with such conviction

I marvel

at your new freedom

What a miraculous event

So timid at first

Suddenly so sure

and wide-eyed

at your new world

And now the first stirrings

Of tentative flight

Of leaving the nest

The excitement of exploration

Fresh amazement

for this new found flight

So curious and graceful

in gliding beauty

Soaring across the sky

Each encounter

with turbulent winds

being greeted as a ladder

to climb

Spiraling upward

to greater levels

Seeing more of the world

Achieving ever higher peaks

No longer afraid to fall

Trusting completely

in a racing heart

and strength of wing.


WOW!!! That is really deep....... but very very good! I love it.


I'm just excited to see someone actually read it... now if we can just convince some other folks to post...  I think I'm going to put a "down day" piece up to see if maybe we need a change in genre... ;)




I really like your style of writing. I like that you don't write with the typical rhyming style.

Seeing as I am more of a journalistic writer, I have an appreciation for people who can write creatively.

I like the poem. It flows very well and it drew me in.




You're very kind - thank you! :)



Awesome Aron,

I can't write i am terrible. I envy you.