Beginning to experience insulin resistence

I am 21 weeks along and had my latest endo visit today. I had been noticing my sugars creeping upwards and the HbA1c showed it too. My doctor told me this is about the time where I need to increase my insulin and I’ve been moved to a 1:7 ratio for my lunch and dinner meals plus a 1:40 correction factor. So I just gave myself 7.3 units of insulin for a bowl of soup and a piece of bread. That feels like a recipe for a hypoglycemic episode! Anyone have any advice or experiences with this? My doctor says it’s likely to be weekly adjustments (upwards!) for the next couple of months…


Yep! Trust me you aren’t going to go low. My insulin resistance came at about 28 weeks. By the end of pregnancy I was on triple (maybe more) the insulin I normally used. I was on a 1:3 carb ratio at the end. As soon I they took the placenta out my blood sugar went low in surgery and they needed to give me glucose by injection. I found it to be completely amazing. They told me right after the baby came that my blood sugars were going to be low for a while and boy were they right! I ran on the lower side for weeks!

From the first email the day of birth we were adjusting the pump. So, it is all VERY normal! You are half-way there Mommy! You are doing great!!

Thanks @Gina! I have to say twice this weekend I took the insulin that corresponded to my new carb/insulin ratio and I got pretty bad lows. But in general I know this is the right way to go and appreciate hearing that you experienced it too. I see my Ob-Gyn today and I fear showing her my sugars! High, low. I think I need to play around with WHAT I’m eating too - I know she wanted me to be 130 two hours after meals and I am not there now.


Oh No! I am sorry that happened! It is a little difficult trying to get it into range with the insulin resistance, and with it ever changing it seems impossible at times but, it will happen. Then your basals will change yet again just when you think you had it all together. Try not to beat yourself up about it and keep testing and correcting. Test correct, test correct!

I am here if you need me!

In 2nd trimester my insulin needs slowly started creeping up, a few units here and there. Mostly because that’s when I gained the weight.

By the end of the pregnancy I’d more than doubled my daily dose and in addition to using the pump was also taking shots because some of my doses were so big (went from daily dose of 40 units a day to over 100 units a day by end of 3rd trimester).

Test an hour after eating and see if you need a correction dose. That’s probably the only way to get your 2 hour number in range. You probably need to start taking pre-meal boluses a little before eating too. Also in the 2nd semester I could eat high carb or high fat meals at lunch, but not at dinner. It always messed by blood sugar up if I had a baked potato or a burger or pizza at dinner.