Anyone else with T1 and Hypothyroidism during pregnancy?

I’m currently 28 weeks pregnant and I’ve been T1 for almost 31 years. I have spent a lot of time worrying about my diabetes and the effect on my baby. I have worked my tail off to maintain a low A1C and my perinatology appointments have gone very well so far. At the very beginning of my pregnancy I was told my thyroid was not in normal range and I was started on thyroid replacement that day. I didn’t worry much about it until I had blood work done this week and I googled information about pregnancy and hypothyroidism. I was scared by everything I read. I am looking for some reassurance. Has anyone else had healthy children while having both T1 and Hypothyroidism?

I have had hypothyroidism since I was 8 and T1D since I was 1.5. My baby boy is 15 months old today. Neither of those conditions caused me any major issues during my pregnancy. I did have an emergency C-section at 34.5 weeks due to the onset of pre-eclampsia/HELLP syndrome. My boy spent 2 weeks in the NICU, but was never in any serious danger. He needed a little extra help breathing the first few days after being born too early. After that, he just had to be able to keep his body temperature up on his own (outside of the incubator) before being allowed to come home. Today he is as happy and healthy as can be. No one can believe he was a “preemie”. We’re still successfully breastfeeding too, which I’m pretty proud of if I can have a quick moment to brag :slight_smile:

As for hypothyroidism, my doctor just had to increase my synthroid dosage as I got further and further along. It wasn’t a big deal–I was much too focused on my blood sugars to be concerned about it.

Thank you @KSmerk12. I feel better hearing your story. I am expecting a son too. I hope I can successfully breast feed like you have!

@Nstroh well in that case, let me offer you a few (unsolicited) tips. I didn’t have anyone close to me who breastfed and found myself in uncharted territory. Education and support were absolutely essential for me. First, take a prenatal breastfeeding class. I took one at the hospital where I delivered, but if you can’t find any Babies R Us even offers a class.

Support is so critical–both from your close circle (partner, family, etc) and from other BFing moms. If you’re struggling, it’s really not helpful if those close to you just encourage you to give up. I’m part of a facebook group of BFing moms near me. The ability to just get online (at any hour) and say “is this normal?” or have others say things like “me too–here’s how we fixed that” was what really got me through. You can also find groups in your area that have meet ups for new moms (like Le Leche League) if you’re interested in meeting people in person who are also BFing. Know where and when to ask for help.

BFing a newborn is a full time job (think 10-12 hours a day for some), but if you can make it through the first 2-3 months it gets MUCH easier. Throwing diabetes on top, BFing often causes lows (especially in the beginning when you’re doing it all day long). I swear I didn’t bolus for meals for like 4 weeks after my son was born.

I’ll leave it at that, but am happy to help if you have questions. (diabetes related or not)