[quote user="Katie Clark"]
It's a bit scary that your doctor told you "he can't think of any real negatives other than the normal "can damage your liver etc."".
Alcohol stops the body from processing carbohydrates into sugar and putting it in the blood. (that's all layman understanding of process) So the threat of low blood glucose is very real because insulin will be working and sugar won't get getting into blood like normal. I personally have found hard liquor more potent in this regard than beer/wine. Of course, margarita's throw that out of the window - they raise my BG like straight sugar.
Everything throws your blood sugar out the window. As long as you are smart about it and don't ignore your diabetes..what's dangerous about drinking?
Hard liquor + no mix = low levels at some point(usually for me when I wake up)
Hard liquor + sugar mixes(doesn't apply if you use diet drinks) such as "bitch drinks" and margaritas = high levels while drinking and lower in the morning
Beer = higher levels, due to the carbs. I haven't had more than a sip of low carb beer cuz it was gross..but it may not raise your levels AS much..but I would expect it to a bit as well.
Wine = same as beer and hard liquor in my experience.
In the end, as long as you are not ignoring your diabetes..there's no reason to think of it as dangerous. Granted, if you haven't drank before you should be doing it at home, slowly, with a few close friends in case something happens..but it's not any more dangerous for a diabetic to be drinking if they aren't stupid about it..than it is for anyone else.
Every body is different so you'll have to figure out what works for you. Be careful with checking BG and carb consumption the first time you try a different kind of alcoholic beverage. Do not drink and go home alone and go to bed. That's very dangerous.
I go home alone all the time. Unless the person you're going home with knows what to do, and isn't drunk themselves..going home alone is no different than going home with someone. You're drunk, they are drunk..you pass out? They think you're sleeping cuz you're too drunk. How are they to know it's something diabetic related, even if they know you're diabetic?
What's more important is you need to take care of yourself without anyone else. If you can't take care of yourself alone..you shouldn't be drinking. You can't depend on other people, especially other people who are drinking as well, whether they know you are diabetic/what do to or not..to take care you.
In the end though, it's your responsibility to watch yourself and your diabetes, no one else's. Your friends are just there to help you if you need it, not to watch over you or take care of you.
I've called 911 for myself a few times, when I've gone home from the bar or a party(I always live with friends but I don't make them take care of me) because I felt too drunk, I didn't feel right, and I was worried about dropping in my sleep. The $80 for the medics to show up and take a look at me and tell me I was fine and I could go to sleep, was worth it. There's nothing wrong with calling them if you need to, but that's only happened to me a handful of times in the last 6years.