My son is 2, has had diabetes since July '09, and his sugars are pretty well controlled. However, recently I wanted to see if doing 25 carbs at each meal (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) would help control his sugars.
So far, and it's only been 9 days, is that I'm giving roughly the same amt of insulin each time, but he is still spiking way up for about an hour after each meal. His patterns are different after each meal though. Here's what they do:
Breakfast, he wakes up on or near target (150), he eats b/w 0630 and 0700
BG then spikes up into the high 300's for 1.5 - 2 hours
We check his BG at 0900 and then again at 0915. If he is trending down, it usually happens very quickly, so a 10-15 carb snack is given to catch his low (10-15 b/c it depends on what the snack is).
Lunch BG is taken at 1015 and is usually b/w 100-170.
He naps from 1100-1315. We check his BG around 1330 and it is usually around 170. I give direction to my daycare staff that if his BG is >130, then recheck in 15 for a downward trend and if is coming down, then give his 5 carb snack.
However, unlike the morning, where he shoots way up, then comes down nicely...when he wakes from his nap, his BG just keeps on steadily going up until 1800.
At 1800, before dinner, his BG is always higher than 250, so I tend to give his Novolog about 15-20 minutes b/f he eats and that gets him through the night.
His regimine is: Lantus: 3 units (am), 2 units (pm).
Target: 150 Correction Factor: 200
Novolog: 1:5 breakfast / 1:9 Lunch / 1:11 Dinner
I normally will manipulate his ratios if I see a trend for more than 3 days.
Question 1: Why does his sugar spike way in the morning and come down nicely in time to give a snack, but doesn't do that b/w lunch and dinner? Particularly if he's eating the same carb amount (25) at each meal and a majority of his food is on the Low Glycemic side.
Question 2: How can I get his sugar to not spike up so much after breakfast? I've tried low carb (8 or less carbs for breakfast) and now I'm trying a consistant 25 carbs, but they both have the same affect.
I don't get it. Thanks in advance for your help!
~Blake's Mom!