A Diabetes Fairy Tale


Thank you for sharing that Richard. I am in tears because even with it being my daughter with this pet and not myself it feels so real to me on how it is.

Thanks for that but does he have to be such a horrible pet and have the word evil-I THINK I noticed.I'm sorry but it reminds me of this youtube video I  watched  once and I am sure the person meant well-but  it was set up like type1 was a stalker and was watching and waiting to bring this about to the child.I was really disturbed by watching it. I think I'd rature see type 1 be cofronted as a condition and dealt with and the child seen as strong,independent and as a winner in their future.........I think I'll just buy your books -then I'll feel better :)

This looks to be a very encouraging book, especially for my 7 year old son type 1.  I hope to read it and gain inspiration and hope from it.

I think D is evil and horrible but I think the message is a positive one even with t-1 with the love and support we find on the net mostly you can rise above it and find beauty in it.

Hi Meme and Hamza. I agree that the story had a depressing undertone. I am sure you saw the lady's picture on the page. maybe she had a very difficult time and was very young when she was diagnosed. i don't know her history. There are several other blogs/messages she has written, available on her page. I think she is a very good blogger.

I think this story expresses this woman's feelings about her diabetes and shouldn't be taken as too much more. I read through the story, and it was pretty dark - but that's okay because it's her opinion and blogging is all about writing your personal feelings. I do have to say that I am really glad my daughter isn't old enough to be perusing juvenation because I wouldn't want her to read it, particularly that part that so casually talks about too much or too little insulin killing you. Jeez!

I know this wasn't meant for kids, but I have to say that I think anyone who relays to a child that diabetes is evil is really doing that child a disservice. Diabetes is what it is. Your pancrease has not grown devil horns and decided to withhold insulin while it sits inside your body howling "Muhahahah". Personally, I (and I think most people) avoid what we perceive as "evil". Therefore, if kids are raised thinking their diabetes is evil, they may run from it instead of facing it and dealing with it.

Sarah and I spend quite a bit of time discussing her diabetes. She knows a lot, but I try to add in little tidbits here and there because at 10 she really can't comprehend all the finer points. We very often discuss how fortunate she is!

I think I've mentioned this before, but Sarah is in a theater group with about 50 other kids. In that group are:

  1. A girl with severe downs syndrome (I don't think there are actual levels of downs syndrome, but I'm referring to her symptoms compared with others I've seen). She has difficulty walking, talking, can't hold her "core" up for long periods of time, and though age 13, probably has the mental development of a 6 year old.
  2. A girl with asbergers syndrome. Great kid, so friendly, but she has serious developmental issues which will stay with her forever. I noticed some of the older kids laughing at her the other day (yes, I'll be mentioning it to the teacher...), because she's incredibly awkward socially and doesn't have any impulse control over what she says. If she thinks it, it comes out her mouth - not good in a group of teens.
  3. A boy with a very serious auto immune disorder. His body has completely blocked the absorbtion of potassium. Because of this, his growth is stunted, his brain is developing slowly, and he has spent over six months hospitalized in the last two years - nearly dying several times. He can't eat normal foods and his mom spends most of her waking hours in the kitchen cooking things that won't make him sick. She does this because he can so easily eat something that doesn't agree, swell up, and die!
  4. My husband has a friend who just lost a child about my daughter's age to a brain tumor.

Then there's my Sarah. A beautiful, vivacious, talented, enthusiastic, and healthy 10 year old with the whole world and a million possibilities before her. Sure, she needs to prick her finger five times a day, take insulin 5 or more times a day, and on occasion has a low that makes her feel crappy until she sucks down an apple juice. She has to stay on top of her diabetes to give herself a better chance of remaining healthy in adulthood. She has to pack a purse full of supplies and take it with her wherever she goes. But for us? I am just incredibly grateful that if my baby girl had to be afflicted with something, it's something we know how to deal with. She gets to live a very normal life, especially in comparison with some of the other kids we know.

This is my Sarah: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlY7Nph_1xk .  I took this video before she was diagnosed, but after her symptoms began, so she actually looks/sounds much healthier now, but I haven't had an opportunity to tape her alone for awhile. I only put this here because I see Sarah as an example of beauty in spite of diabetes - and think most of the kids and adults I've met (here and otherwise) with type 1 are also amazing, wonderful people with everything going for them.

Sorry for the long rant, but I think it's so important to look at the positive side of life. Negativity can simply poison the spirit.

I look at reality and reality is diabetes sucks. It isnt about negative and positive its about what it is and its taken a big chunk  of a normal childhood away from my daughter. Its not just poking a finger. My boys are autistic and while they might not develop normally this diabetes stuff is 100 times harder to deal with. I know Riley with develop normally but she does have to worry about to much or not enough insulin killing her and she knows it. Its something she has to know and she is 9. Tho she asked what would happen if she got to much I didnt just tell her it could kill her up front but I wont lie to her if she asks either. Yeah the blog is dark but most fairy tales are then ends with a happily ever after and that is what the message of the blog is which to me is a positive finding the light in the dark. Finding the balance between what sucks and what doesnt about it. Its ok to feel negative about things as long as you feel the positive about things as well. She gets made as hell at times that she has stupid diabetes but she also knows its not the worse thing that could have happened to her either. Most of the time she is ok with it but she has her moments where it gets to her and makes her sad. I let her feel what she feels about it even if its dark and evil. I know in the end she will bounce back and not let it bother her. So in the end I feel feeling the negative in the long run doesnt poisn the spirit but helps it grow and learn how to cope with well what ever comes your way in a healthy manner instead of just ignoring anything negative because that keeps it in you buried. To me that is what poisons the spirit.

Michelle, thanks for your rant message. You have a great attitude about Sarah's diabetes, and I am sure she has absorbed your attitude. That is good for her. I enjoyed the video, she is cute and has a very good voice. I am anxious to see her on American Idol! Lol! I don't think Idol will be running then, but maybe. At least she would not have to put up with Simon's cruel criticism. Sarah will have a great life, like I have. She will live a long, healthy life and diabetes will not hold her back.

Jessica, you are like Michelle. Your attitude is great and you are making the correct decisions in dealing with Riley's diabetes. She is so lucky to have you! She will be like Sarah, and have a long healthy life because she has you by her side.

Thanks Richard! She actually has no desire for American Idol. She loves to watch it, but doesn't like to sing "pop". She wants to be on Broadway.

Jessica, I hope you don't think I was directing my "rant" at you, because I wasn't. I think everyone needs to deal with diabetes in their own way. To me it's about accepting the challenge and moving forward. We aren't burying our feelings about diabetes, we're just accepting something we can't change and dealing with it. Believe me, if it was cancer or something I could fight, I'd fight it all the way. But it's diabetes, which doesn't currently have a cure, so we deal. To me it's always been important to convey a positive attitude about life to my children. In my work, I deal with a lot of negativity, and it just seems like the people who focus more on the negative are not happy people - so I always try to look at the positives in everything and deal with the negatives as they come.


See there are those who feel the negative and those who dwell in the negative. We feel it but we dont dwell in it. Her I hate D moments are just that moments. We accept the challenges and move forward to but part of those challenges are having a bad day we cry and move forward. It does all have to be done with a smile on our faces. I like to look at it as ridding the waves going with the flow not letting the crashing waves drag us under but we still feel the waves. I guess the term think positive is a pet peeve of mine so I take it personally. To me it means whatever comes your way smile and pretend its all good. I had very influential people in my life that believed it to be that way and it was mind numbingly nauseating to be around them because it was fake. I know you are not like that from your other posts the worry of it gets to you too you feel the same things I feel day in and day out. We just look at the term think positively differently so yeah its all good Michelle.

hi Michelle and Jessica,I think both of you are wonderful moms and your children are so lucky to have you.I think we are  moms trying and that's the important thing.....Jessica,it's good to see you-I haven't been on Juve. as much as I use to-but I remember you coming into the site full force looking for answers to help your daughter-I admire that....and Michelle-it's nice meeting anothere wonderful mom -and the video is so swee -Take Care...

Once upon a time, long, long ago...

In a land far, far away, there lived a little boy named Simon.  He spent his days tending to the sheep and watching for any signs of the big bad wolf, Diabetias Maximus.  Around Simon's neck was a horn carved from the great Yew, Hopius Denius.  His father had told him: "Bloweth the mighty horn, and all able men will come!"  He warned his son not to blow it unless there was a true emergency.  The sun rose and set upon the plains, painting the world with its beautiful, scintillating colors.  He was at peace with the all things in the world, and he slept soundly upon the clover. 

One day, Diabetias Maximus came creeping up to Simon while he slept, for the great Mother, Unknoweth Causeth, watched in anger all things below, and she was angry that Simon was so content in life while she carried so much burden upon her breasts, so she had told the wolf where to go and when.  Max was an outcast from his pack.  The Mother promised to return him to his pack if he would kill Simon.  Max, which is the name his pack had used for him, sat staring with his dark, deep eyes at the sleeping child.  He waited patiently fo the child to awake, for it was not in his design to attack a sleeping being.  He believed that was the way of the Hyena, the cowards who prayed on the weak.  Max's desires were based not on cowardice, but on the eternal hunger of the wolf.  He existed, and in this was all there was in himself and the world around him.  He was content.

In Simon's dreams, he saw the white waves of a distant, endless sea.  On the gentle, rising waves the penguins drifted, bellys full.  Great white birds floated above, seeking everything, and nothing in particular.  Nothing could wake him from this wonderful slumber.  Gods willing, he would sleep until the dawn.

Max grew impatient, and hungered.  He looked up to the sky and told the Mother that he was not able to wait much longer.  "Those sheep look much easier and better to eat than this little boy," said Max. Finally, he could stand it no longer, he raised a paw to strike the child down with one swipe with his mighty claws, but something stilled him.  Instead, he looked longer at the child, and he thought of his pack, and his little ones.  Although the child did not look at all like them, they stirred in him a nature, a feeling of compassion.  He instead devised a plan to appease the Mother, protect the boy, and satisfy his own hunger. 

Max grabbed a sheep and slay it and ate, satisfying his hunger.  After he was done, he smeared the blood upon the boy and made him look ravaged.  Once he was done, he called upon the Mother and told him the boy was dead.  The mother looked at the boy and was pleased.  Even as she thanked the wolf, she turned her gaze seeking other things to destroy.  She told Max he had an eternity of work to do for her.  He said in anger:  "You promised me I could return to my pack!"  The Mother looked at him, enjoying his pain, and commanded him to wait for her to give him his next task.

In frustration and anger, Max raised his head and howled at the moon.  His heart was heavy, and his spirit was broken.  Simon awoke to the howl, and saw the wolf.  He bravely raised his horn and blew.  The poor wolf was scared out of his wits and broke into a run, disappearing over the nearest hill and into the shadows of discontent.

The Mother turned her eyes down and saw the child was still alive, and in anger she spoke an evil enchantment: "The wolf would abandoned his own pack for the well-being of this child.  Let the wolf and child unit forever and feel their natures clawing at each other!"  With this, the wolf felt a piece of his soul ripped from his body and merged into the child, and the child felt a piece of himself go to the wolf. 

Thereafter, the boy felt hunger like he never had before that he just could not fulfill, and his sleep was disturbed forever by the howls of Max.  Max howled because he constantly saw the beauty of the world as the boy had once done.  It tore at his very nature, making him less and more than he was before.  In this state, he found his pack, and he became the voice or reason and understanding that helped drive the pack to greatness.  The boy who once slept in peace and tended a few sheep, became driven and searching in nature.  His will became a powerful force of nature that disturbed the Mother and displeased her eternal for she had created something good from bad.


The End



David, I really liked that tale. thanks so much!

Where did you find that tale? Did you write it yourself?

hi David,I'm sure you know it-but you have a talent for writing. :)

Thanks for posting this, Richard! And thanks for the kind words, everyone!

Just a note of clarification: I didn't write this story with kids in mind. I just realized one day, as I was going through the monotonous routine of taking care of myself, that the whole thing plays out like a crazy Brothers Grimm story. I mean really, diabetes is so bizarre and difficult to live with that it almost seems like some horrible witch in a forest made it up.

And yeah, parts of it are dark and scary, but parts of diabetes are dark and scary, too. We don't like to think about it, but too much or too little insulin -- or food, or exercise -- CAN have very harmful effects.

I haven't had any terrible experiences with diabetes, but it sure is an exhausting disease. I wanted to communicate that as well as the tremendous support I've felt from other people with diabetes I've met online.

Anyway, thanks for reading! And sharing!

Hi Jacquie, thanks for joining Juve, and replying to this discussion. Your Diabetes fairy Tale is wonderful, and it has drawn many appreciative replies on many diabetes sites. I hope you will pull up a chair and sit and talk with us here, now and then. Welcome aboard.


hi Jacquie ,thanks for your kind words :) I like your blog-I have been reading it today and liked the link you gave on the story on Elizabeth Hughes----The first insulin patient: where it all began...I want to read the book now-adding it to my book list to buy--I can't remember the title-was it The Secret ? Will have to go back and see.It was interesting to read about her and to see the old picture and it's nice she lived a long life..Thanks again :)

Forget the story and all, where did you get that wonderful beer!