T1D Powerpoints

Does anyone know where I can find a T1D introductory power point? I am setting up a presentation at our church to familiarize everyone with my daughters condition. I’m getting the clergy, nursery workers, Sunday school teachers, and even her babysitters. I want something that looks a little more professional and has good accurate information on it. I give presentations for my job but finding one prepared by experts is always preferred. Thanks for the help.

Hi Chad @Restless_Daddy, first a Warm Welcome to TypeOne Nation! …. and a welcome to the T1D community which no one really wants to be a member.

I admire you desire to spread the word as a way to assist your daughter go on to live a full, actice and rewarding life while managing her diabetes - I’ve been living with diabetes since the 1950’s and I haven’t let diabetes hold me back.

Wise too on not trying to “reinvent the wheel” for your presentation - although it would be nice to add to the libraries of information. I suggest that you explore the “Resources” tab on here and also on the main JDRF site [JDRF.org] for materials and strongly suggest that you contact some of the people at JDRF advocacy and get access to the prepared materials. There may be a person right in your community who makes similar presentations.
There is a “JDRF Near You” search tab near top center of the main JDRF webpage that will help you locate active JDRF Chapters near you.