I really need to look into the books though because now I'm struggling with highs after my workout today and no matter what I've done (changed site, checked ketones, bolused with a pen) I can't get it to go down....
Sorry if I wasn't clear. You said you worked out over the summer but since school started had switched to more cardio. Cardio typically burns a lot of glucose. And until your muscles are conditioned, they will use more glucose.
I went to college in a mountain town in Colorado and biked for transportation. It required me to ride a 1/2 mile stretch straight uphill to get to school and work. My body became conditioned to that and after adjusting my insulin a bit I didn't have severe lows from my daily ride. But I started doing an aerobics class a couple nights a week and my blood sugar dropped like crazy for about 12 hours after. It's because I was using different muscle groups and they weren't as efficient as they became after I did the class for a couple weeks.
Highs after working out are usually linked to more anaerobic workouts like lifting weights or anything that takes muscle strength. Muscles have stored glucose called glycogen that's released with this kind of workout so blood sugars can go high right after. Then you'll usually have an overnight low because the muscles replace their glycogen stores by stealing glucose out of the blood, causing a low blood sugar.
Read the books and do some trial and error to figure out the best way to handle.
Diabetes is never boring... there's always some challenge. Exercise is definitely the toughest issue with managing diabetes. I think it's much harder than sick days or even pregnancy.
Take care. -Jenna
Thank you very much I am having some luck with adjusting my basal at more precise and accurate time intervals and also with eating more of a complex carb snack before I exercise
Jenna you are filled with wonderful advice. I'm glad you've stuck around here.
Okay tonight I was 323 before the gym, but it was a false high because I had just eaten dinner 45minutes before. I corrected only 3 units and went to the gym. After the gym I was 109 and typically I drink 1 capri sun to maintain my numbers after I workout to avoid middle of the night lows. two hours later I check and I am 303.... whats going on?