Pump for a toddler?

My 2 yr old was diagnosed in November and I was wondering when would be a good time to consider a pump? I had a friend in high school who says sports and other activities were easier with his but I’m not sure when the best time to consider introducing it would be

@Lindsay1152017 hi Cosette, There is no minimum age. Infants can be on a pump.

I urge you to work with your endocrinologist.

Yes! You can do it now! My son was diagnosed in March. He fell into a coma. It was a rough few months getting under control, but they got him on the pump in may!! It’s helped me very much! He is also 2. And believe it or not, he doesn’t even realized it’s there most of the time! Of course it doesn’t take away the emotional strain we as parents have, but it definitely helps! Children’s hospital helped me get into mine, as he was there for a few weeks. For sure go for it! Hope all goes well! And stay strong!!

Hi Jennifer @Jenkap123,
Congratulations on getting your toddler son stabilized so soon after his diagnosis - your words will be encouraging to many other members here - so I ask you to post whenever … Yep, you must be constantly busy with stuff other than this site.
you said you got your son on “THE” pump two months ago, may I ask which pump - name and model? I field questions often about pumps and with the 20 or so models in use I like to narrow down the selection choice as much as possible. A couple of the very popular models would be too heavy for a child to comfortably use. Thanks

Hi Dennis I see you know your pumps. I have always wore Animas and so miss them. But I switched to the Medtronic 670G and hate it I do think the FDA jumped the gun with this and it was falsely advertise. That being said I have 8 year old daughter on an animas who needs new pump are options are omnipod, t-slim and Medtronic(this one not an option) which do you suggest?

@nicky81 Hi Nicky, I understand that last week [July 13, 2018] the US FDA approved the Medtronic “MiniMed 670GHybrid Closed Loop system” for children 7 - 13; prior to that use was not recommended for anyone under 14 years. That said, I am not an expert on pumps from personal use, but I have done extensive research while looking for my next pump - I’ve only used MiniMed which have served me well.

The week before, July 6, The FDA has approved Tandem’s Basal-IQ predictive low glucose suspend (PLGS) system for people six and older. Using Dexcom G6 CGM readings and the t:slim X2 pump. An advantage with this system is that the DexCom G6 does not require any calibration and readings from the [G5 and] G6 are approved for bolus dosing; Medtronic still requires “fingerstick validation” for bolus dosing…

When I was with a 16 year old last month, she said something about the 670G being too large - to me, it looked about twice the size as the t-Slim I played around with a few months ago - that comparison is based on this ‘old guy’s’ memory. I’m personally leaning toward the t-Slim for my next pump even though my insurance company had a bid ad saying they are going to be exclusively Medtronic.