Newly Diagnosed Toddler

Honestly, free snacks for her at this age might mean no carbs at all, or maybe something low carb plus some protein or fat to slow the carbs down for a longer, slower rise instead of that quick, sharp spike you see from something like straight juice.

My daughter is a rock star for lots of reasons, but one that blew me away when she was six was her ability to choose a handful of almonds (rather than the chips I knew she really wanted) when her sugar was high.

Funny, Halloween is usually good for us, too. We live in a great neighborhood for trick-or-treating, and the candy conveniently balances out all that walking!

Wow! You are doing awesome. You are light years ahead of where we were that first year, and it was still 2018 so before all of the COVID madness. So proud of you for keeping her in range on Halloween! The Think Like a Pancreas book is great. And if you’re a podcast person, I would definitely recommend the Juicebox podcast. It’s made by a stay-at-home dad who has a daughter with T1D and he interviews other parents, type 1 diabetics and experts in the field. There’s some great tips in the pro-tip series. keep doing what your doing and don’t be afraid to keep reaching out if you need support :slight_smile:

Hi Lucky,
I’m a T1D mom of a now 13 year old that was diagnosed in April this year. First I want to say welcome aboard the T1D roller coaster and hang on tight because there will be bumpy moments where you have no idea what to do and bg levels will go up or down with no explanation at all, yet there will also be days of smooth sailing with perfect numbers that build your confidence in your ability to handle things.
I will try to help answer as many of your questions as I can, but by all means I’m no expert…only a tired mom who is determined to help keep my kids numbers in range as much as possible.
First on the 15 carb snack and to treat low rule…we’ve found that 15 carbs is more often than not too much to treat our lows and we see rebound highs like you described. We usually use anywhere from 8 to 12 carbs that seems to bring the bg up but not go over the top. I would also recommend doing a finger stick bg check to be sure the cgm is accurate.
We use string cheese and Slim Jim’s for low carb snack options. Also the P3 snacks are good and are relatively high in protein. It seems we have better results when trying to balance carbs with protein.

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