Need Inspiration. Success Stories

My gallbladder was removed in 2014. When I went for my 2015 wellness visit, my fasting glucose was 297 and A1C was 9.6. My doctor did a C-Pep test which showed that my pancreas was producing insulin within the allowable range, but just on the low side. T2D was my diagnosis and dropped to 7.2 A1C. 6 months later, A1C up to 7.6 and C-Pep level dropped below the normal range. Did 3 months of pens with frequent testing, but then switched to OmniPod insulin pump and Dexcom G5 CGM. In 3 years, I have gone from 7.6 to 6.1 A1C. I will try different foods to see how it affects me, so I can still enjoy many Cajun dishes. Before I exercise, I normally turn off my pump to avoid any crashes. I always have sugar pills, gum drops, or jelly beans in my emergency kit. I carry a small back pack with my test kit and supplies. It is a burden sometimes, but the results are worth it. The dietician at our local hospital provided some good suggestions and education about various food items.

I have learned to plan my meals for the week and keep healthy snacks with me in case I get hungry during the work day. My wife has supported me greatly, which has helped me achieve success.

Hi there @str021, that is a success story.
And your testimony supports what I often write here - that we must be creative and intelligent and develop management skills and techniques to match our own body. Yours worked for you.
There isn’t any one management regimen that will accommodate all persons living with diabetes.