The lowest I have been is 30. I really hope I never have a 'serious' low(seizure etc), but I may be dreaming with that. Before pumping, seeing 30's, and 40's was quite the last month and a half since I started pumping, the lowest I have been is 55.
When we were still fairly new to the whole thing, we were walking through Canadian Tire and Brandon stopped dead in his tracks, sat down, crawled to an end-cap display and sat on it. He said, "uh...I have shaky knees..." and he got a goofy grin on his face. My wife whipped out the juice box and he drank half of it before I could get the meter together. We got a cursed ERROR 5, then retested and he was 1.6, or about 29. He may have been lower, depending on the sugar in him already, I suppose.
We've had a couple 1.8's, 1.9's and everything in the 2's (so, 30-50) but we've never seen him lower on the meter.
We've seen him drop from 180 down to 50 in under 30 minutes without active insulin in him. He gets silly when he's low and says he's "shaky", or just, "whoa...I'm low."
the lowest i have been was 19, but that was when i was like 15 or so.
My son was 22 once and felt just fine. A few minutes after treating the low he began to feel it. I'm sure he dropped before coming up, but I was at the ready with glucagon and we never had a problem. That a was crazy-bike-riding/ honeymoon-induced low.
I've been in the teens before, 20's a few times more than that.
My meter said "LO" so i was below 20
my lowest was 39
my lowest has been 1.4, eek! ....but i think i read on a different scale than you guys! i'm canadian and my meter is in mmol!
[quote user="Virginia"]
my lowest has been 1.4, eek! ....but i think i read on a different scale than you guys! i'm canadian and my meter is in mmol!
its times 18 for our readings so 25 for here
My lowest numbers were both when I was pregnant--one time with each pregnancy. The first time I woke up and was 27--I felt like I was not in control of myself. I was walking into walls and had to force myself to lift myself off the couch to go get some sugar. The second time I was 37, same thing as before--shaky, disoriented, tired, weak. Freakiest thing ever to know that me and my little one(s) were in trouble.
[quote user="julia"]
when you talk about seizures do you mean like seizure seizures? I am low at least once a day(30s or 40s) and the lowest I have ever tested I think was 25.
I have passed out before but never had a seizure. that really scares me. is this common in t1's to seizure?
I think that it depends on the individual. I have been very low and have blacked out plenty of times, but have never had a seizure. My husband had a seizure one time, but he was low and confused with this new pump. Assuming he was high after a trip out of town and lots of snacking and eating out, gave himself a ten unit injection. He's had other lows, but I don't think he's ever had a seizure besides that one time.
[quote user="Melinda Schneider"]
My lowest numbers were both when I was pregnant--one time with each pregnancy. The first time I woke up and was 27--I felt like I was not in control of myself. I was walking into walls and had to force myself to lift myself off the couch to go get some sugar. The second time I was 37, same thing as before--shaky, disoriented, tired, weak. Freakiest thing ever to know that me and my little one(s) were in trouble.
[quote user="Melinda Schneider"]
My lowest numbers were both when I was pregnant--one time with each pregnancy. The first time I woke up and was 27--I felt like I was not in control of myself. I was walking into walls and had to force myself to lift myself off the couch to go get some sugar. The second time I was 37, same thing as before--shaky, disoriented, tired, weak. Freakiest thing ever to know that me and my little one(s) were in trouble.
My biggest struggles with low blood sugars were early in my pregnancy. I think there were probably at least 15 episodes betweeen weeks 8 & 12. There were also episodes at work, once they had to call an ambulance because I kept throwing up whatever they gave me.