Insulin Pumps, Medicaid, and Insurance

Here is the link and loophole towards financial freedom, written in very small print in the Affordable Care Act, and available to you with a little gumption. Don’t be afraid to alter your finances in order to fit into the “system”. Do what is best for you, right now!

Do what you have to do and take advantage of those who are taking advantage of all of us. It took a great president, one with courage, to see these through. It took me 5 years of reading to find this in the Bill.

Inuslin Pumps are considered “luxury” items according to the US HealthCare System. Until there is change and progress, you will pay, and no one will care.
So here we find ourselves, searching and grasping for answers, support, empathy, and clarity. I hope this finds you, your loved one(s), and those you may just know; some answers.

Thanks for reading. Please share and feel free to comment.

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When I became diabetic, I worked “full-time” at a coffeeshop and still made so little that I received Medicaid. I got a FREE pump. FREE DME supplies. FREE Insulin. NO hospital bill. Low cost other prescriptions. When I moved onto a more professionally sustaining job, I lost/stayed even with my income because I then had medical expenses to pay for. Part of me regretted it. The other part knew that my happiness wasn’t just finances.

If anything, having the freedom to not fear economic ruin because of a medical condition was inspiring. It reminded me that the world can be a different place. We all deserve that world. We can change it together.

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Hi Regis,

Wow!! Thank you so much for offering this information to the public. I am all about finding loop holes to accommodate our health. This was really helpful for me and I really appreciate it. I’d love to know if you have any other specific information that you found helpful to get the care that you need at a price that you can afford.

Thanks again,