
Thanks a lot! It’s going okay I guess , I am getting ahold of my sugar level but still on a journey of weight loss

I’m so glad to hear the news about your levels - congratulations, and I’m proud of you! Weight loss is a gradual thing - don’t try to do anything insane like 5 or 10 pounds a week. It’ll happen over time. And again, don’t feel like you have to shoot for being a skinny twig. As I said before, manage your weight for your health and your body type for how you like to look. Enjoy the curves God gave you!

Thanks a lot! I have been debating on whether I can do a no carb diet while taking long acting insulin only. Is that a good idea? At least for a month or two

Glad to hear from you! May I ask why you are thinking about eliminating carbs?
While I share some suggestions based on my personal experience I stop short of giving medical advice since I’m not a doctor. And I use a pump rather than injections so things may be different for you. If I were considering no carb, I would see my doctor and dietitian first, but I recall what you told me about treatment in your area. So I would just say this:

  1. If you are making changes, do them gradually, especially if you’re not under a doctor’s care. Decrease your carbs slowly so you can see how your body reacts and you can adjust accordingly. Once the adjustments are keeping you in your range, then decrease a little more, adjust insulin and see how that works.
  2. When people choose a different eating style they may inadvertently be leaving out certain nutrients - when I started eating Mediterranean style the beginning of the year I realized after a few weeks that I was getting little or no protein. I found protein sources that worked, but sometimes people need to take supplements, so do some studying.
  3. You should get some input from people on the forum who follow a no carb or very low carb diet - see how it worked for them, if they recommend it or not, and how to do it in a healthy way. You could start a new topic and ask about going no carb.
    I’m going to ask my respected forum friend @Dennis if he would like to weigh in. He’s another long-timer with lots of experience and wisdom.

Thanks a lot for the advice, I will surely ask others and do the diet gradually. My aim is to lose weight since I am very obese and I don’t want to live like that anymore so I wanted a big change. I wanted to know whether it will increase ketone levels when I do this or not again thank you for the advice :blush::blush:

Hi Maria! It’s been a while so I thought I would drop you a line and see how you’re doing. I know you’ve been working on your weight and getting your health in order - how are things coming along? How are things with the Coronavirus where you are? We are still under stay at home orders in DC where I live, but there are a couple of counties in Maryland, very close to me, that are doing their own thing. I haven’t minded being home myself - I’ve cut back on my trips to the store, which is good. I have a great husband and we have a dog we adore, and a nice size yard so we can get outside. And we can walk around the neighborhood. I’ve missed going to my gym though - I was doing really well with my workouts, and they are getting ready to open again, making sure they have plenty of protections in place. But I think I’m going to cancel my membership :weary: - I serve at my church and my team leader is very very high risk, and I wouldn’t want to take any chances of possibly passing something on to him.
If I remember you were studying for exams but that may have been put on hold. But I guess that gives you more time to study. Anyway, I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing, and how things are going with your diabetes. I do hope all is well. Take care.