Get politically active for Diabetes

This isn’t political like you make imagine. It is that diabetics must get active to hammer their elected representatives to do something about cost and availability of insulin; about pushing FDA to get new tech pumps passed testing more quickly. I recommend put in your calendar to send a standard letter that you write (save it to use each month), then go to these websites and paste in your letter to your Congressman and Senators. Don’t paste anything that isn’t words, it won’t do it.


Yes! This is awesome! Thank you for sharing!

The College Diabetes Network has also made a whole guide of easy ways to advocate for diabetes related issues. Here’s the link to their resources:

Unfortunately we do have the best government money can buy. The lobbies from rather large corporate interests will and have held back the release of any tech that will compromise the cash flow from strips and insulin. I am Chris and have been taking insulin sense 1966. So have watched the game being played for a good while. The CGM story is a case in point. Non invasive glucose monitors in either IR or radio frequency have been around but not made available since around 2001. It is always the same old story, the apple watch and google watch where both curtailed for this reason. Some really good units in Europe and Asia have met a similar fate. As long as corporate lobbying is allowed in the US only very profitable tech will be made available to the general public.