Abs exercises and pump site cannulas

Hey guys,

I did an abs circuit for the first time on Tuesday with a 6-mm Quickset in my stomach. Was 127 afterwards, bolused for lunch, then was 300 at 3 pm. Changed my site (put a 9-mm in my stomach) and was down in range in a few hours.

Does doing abs exercises mess up pump cannulas? I feel like it shouldn't, but as I've learned, I'm finding out new things nearly every day with this stuff.



Here's my theory as told with help from the magic school bus. 

@ 14:40


That filament is causing your muscles to go into recovery mode and it tries to repair the hole made by your tubing.

It doesn't seem like it should to me either.  I think if the cannula was blocked, your pump should have sensed its inability to deliver the insulin and sent a "No Delivery" alarm, like it does when the tubing is kinked.  The Quick set goes straight in, doesn't it?  Do you think the 6 mm was that close to your muscle tissue?  If so, it seems like the 9 mm would be even closer.  You look from your picture kind of  thin for the straight-in Quick set; I use the Sillouette because it's angled and therefore less likely to hit muscle.  Sometimes I go high just from mis-counting carbs or eating different types of food and attribute it to things like tubing.  Try an experiment: a few time, a few days apart, do the same exercises with 6 mm tubing and don't eat afterward to see if you go high anyway.  If the problem is the tubing, you should start to see a pattern.

Good Luck!


I'm not really sure about your situation, but I know for me there are certain areas on my body where the pump just simply doesn't work good, especially in muscular areas. My insulin builds up under my skin and causes a noticable lump. However, I don't get the alarm from my PDM telling me there is a blockage in my cannula. The insulin keeps on delivering, but just won't absorb good and builds up under my skin.

That's a really good point!  I've never noticed a bump, but sometimes after my bs is high, it suddenly goes low for no apparent reason, and I've heard that insulin that is kind of "stored" in a bad area can all of a sudden start working.  The fun never stops!

Ab classes have kinked my pump canula too.  The only solution I've found is to only do ab workouts when my site is in lower back or legs. 

My MiniMed rarely gives a "No Delivery" alarm when canula is bent and insulin isn't being delivered.  The alarm usually just goes off then there's a pump motor problem that inhibits insulin delivery.

I havent put my inset in my stomach but my friend at school does and she works out too with abs exercises and she says the same thing so i dont know but she said that she has tried some different sides of the stomach but i dont know exactly and im not a doctor but she said she tried it and it worked. But she asked her doctor i think first.

I'm curious if any of you guys who have had this issue wear the Sillouette sets?  I do, and have never had any problems like this even though I do lots of ab exercises, and I'm wondering if the angled insertion is helping keep the tip away from the muscle.  It might help...

[quote user="jennagrant"]

Ab classes have kinked my pump canula too.  The only solution I've found is to only do ab workouts when my site is in lower back or legs. 

My MiniMed rarely gives a "No Delivery" alarm when canula is bent and insulin isn't being delivered.  The alarm usually just goes off then there's a pump motor problem that inhibits insulin delivery.


Hey jenna,

Good to know I'm not the only one. My pump never alarms either-- even if my bg is rising and rising up into the 300s or 400s... I just have to use my own intuition and change the site.

Thanks for replying everyone! I'm just avoiding abs for now. I like the Quicksets because of the hidden-needle insertion (I'm terrified of needles) so the Silhouette isn't really appealing to me. I've tried my sites in my butt (which works pretty well) and legs (with lesser success) and a couple times on my hips with about 50% success. So I guess sticking with my stomach > abs exercises for now.

I use the Sillouette set and I've never had a problem with this, and I have to do ab workouts multiple times a week for track. I've actually never heard of this problem until I saw it on here.

Anyways, hope you find something that works for you!